Sunday, February 14, 2010

Heavy weapon squad WIP



Work in progress. Mostly base and finishing tuches left. Also something is to take some better pictures

Sunday, February 7, 2010


Markoff: I am Sergeant Markoff. I make soldiers out of scum like you, and I don't do it gently. You're the sloppiest looking lot I've ever seen. It's up to me to prevent you from becoming a disgrace to the Regiment. And I will prevent that if I have to kill half of you with work. But the half that lives will be soldiers. I promise you!

Markoff: [to a dead soldier he props on the wall] The rest of the bullets you stop won't hurt as much as that first one. 

Markoff: And now, you scum, it's my turn. I'm going to give you a lesson in putting down an attempted mutiny that'll be the last thing you'll ever see. Maybe this'll make you die happy. Markoff thanks you. When he's an officer and has the Legion of Honor, he'll think often of the stupid, blundering pigs that put him where he is.

Lots of quotes that sounds like they come from a DKoK Commissar. So I guess he should be up for painting soon

 Quotes are from "Beau Geste"

Bane wolf 'Unleashed' Completed